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The Ecosystem contact list

Through Ziwani we want to enable you to find and connect with the many other business networks that are active throughout the continent – who also offer great courses and opportunities for learning and fellowship. Below is a directory of those we are partnering with – if you’re interested in connecting with any of them, you are welcome to contact them directly.

Faith Driven Entrepreneur


Inspiring and equipping Christian entrepreneurs around the world to use their business to create spiritual and social transformation.

Faith Driven Investor


Inspiring and equipping Christian investors around the world to use their capital to create spiritual and social transformation.

Nation Builder


Nation Builder inspires and equips the Business Community to lead in sustainable social change by facilitating cross-sector learning and co-creating social impact resources.

Avoda Group


AVODA Group is a Next-Gen startup hub that starts Christian businesses using contracts, rather than grants or investments. AVODA Tokyo Office secures contracts with multinational corporations in Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, while AVODA Institute trains Christian entrepreneurs in Uganda and South East Asia so that contracts can be outsourced to them, allowing them to start businesses through revenue income.

Generosity Path


Generosity Path is a global network who have created experiences to help people discover the great joy of giving. Their experiential events invite participants, in community, to own their individual commitments to generosity and encourage one another through testimonies, a focus on the Word as well as self-reflection.

Crown Financial Ministries


Teaching Biblical stewardship of all areas, including money and resources, career and identity, business and organization, environmental and farming, generational and legacy - with a strong gospel and discipleship focus.

CEF (Christian Economic Forum)


The Christian Economic Forum (CEF) convenes leaders and experts from around the world to discuss and address the world’s greatest challenges and most pressing needs. This community is composed of high-achieving individuals motivated to take action to advance God’s Kingdom through the marketplace.

Triga Ventures


Triga Ventures' primary focus is to advance redemptive entrepreneurship in Africa. They offer support to visionaries and entrepreneurs to build high-impact redemptive ventures with a vision of solving some of Africa’s most pressing challenges.

Suggest someone

If you know of any other initiatives aligned with Ziwani’s vision, that could be included in this Christ-centered, redemptive ecosystem for the benefit of other business leaders in Africa, please connect us.

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